Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Natural Elvis

Okay, so ever since I posted my thread of my bus incident last week people have been asking about my style. So here a pic-torial to achieve this look:

Now what you'll need is 1.) A handful of bobby pins 2.) Some gel 3.) Whatever you use to do twist (I use hair fudge and shea butter) 4.) Scarfs and a satin bonnet:

Now if you like to twist out with dry hair go ahead and skip a few steps until we get to the pinning portion. Now I wash my hair and condition it. This is me in my conditioning glory while my neighbors call me Jill Scott and Erykah Badu (*rolls eyes*).

The conditioner I use is Vo5. Seriously the best thing that's ever happened to my hair. I am using the Tea Therapy Chamomile Conditioner. Here's my little collection:

After you rinse out your hair. And let it dry til it's DAMP. I just let the towel sit on my hair til it's damp.:

Detangle, seal and moisturize as your personal regimen allows. Next is the pinning. Depending on you hair length, pull your hair up as high as it will allow and pin, pin and pin! You want a near perfect half-circle around your head. This part may take a long time, but be patient and take your time. When you are done, the back of your head should look like this:

Now grab some gel or whatever you you use to style your hair and slap some on that bottom portion. Now tie a scarf around to help it stay put and set properly. I like doing this when my hair is damp because I get nice waves. :3:

Now tie that scarf pretty tight around those pins so when you start twisting the pins won't come out. Now to the twisting. You want to grab random, yet uniform sections of hair for your twists. I like nice medium ones like these. I use this stuff my grandmother gave me called 'Hair Fudge'. It smells sweet and leaves my twists and twist-outs super soft even when they dry. This is what your hair should resemble:

Now make sure that scarf is nicely around that flat portion of your hair and throw a satin cap over your twists...and sleep. (or use a dryer if you have one...):

Wake up in the morning and take the twists out and carefully separate the chunks.:

Start pinning up the back portion toward the front and center of you hair. This alone can be a style. If you like it then you're done here and you can WERQ girl:

If you still want my Elvis then take the hair in the front and pin it back like a Pompadour. And begin pinning. Make sure your sides are even as well and're done chica. Enjoy.:

How I usually style is with a hair band. :)

Hope you enjoyed it! God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. TOO cute, is that hair fudge by perfect results? I was looking at some items by them this weekend
